Ok everyone, I have to tell you this story. I was dropping my daughter off at Daisy's tonight and was bombarded by the troop leader asking for money for this and that. Then she said oh and you now have to fork over $30 for this Noah's Ark Workshop we are doing. I had no idea what she was talking about. Then I looked at this flyer, it looks similar to the Stuff-A-Friend deal, $16 for the bear, $3 for a shirt, $3 or a sound piece, $6 for shoes, some of the outfits cost $16 a piece. Then I looked closer at the form, it was a home sales rep that was doing this.
What a great idea and what a good commission this person was going to make. Our troop is small but the Brownies were doing it to. About $30 bucks a kid, for 20 kids thats $600 in sales! Just for one towns Troop. So everyone remember that fundraisers are the way to make some money and get in with Home parties!
Yes, if you have fundraisers available, it is good to send letters to the schools, and all places that might need funds in your community
for the dogyum biz (dog treats and stuff) please contact me.
Oh, and also, you can make little gift baskets with a few samples, your catalog, a card, and stuff like that, you can give them to like a church picnic or anything that does raffling to raffle it off.
for the dogyum biz (dog treats and stuff) please contact me.