This opportunity is nationwide! Regardless of where you are, this business is growing and you can grow with us!!
lia sophia offers an extensive line of high quality products, an unparalleled opportunity to own your own business and an incredible Lifetime Replacement Guarantee.
Whether you're interested in part-time or full-time career, we invite you to join us. lia sophia is here to help make a difference for your family. We're here to help make your dreams come true! With lia sophia you can have it all! ~30% commission paid weekly ~Generous personal discounts - up to 70% off ~Ongoing training and support ~Personal websites ~Recognition programs ~Fabulous prizes, including vacations ~Incredible Hostess Program and Customer Service Department ~No inventory to carry, no deliveries to make, and no territories
**You can easily earn $1000+ a month doing this part-time!**
Getting Started... It couldn't be easier! The jewelry sells itself! Purchase a Starter Kit and you're on your way. And as a new advisor, you're automatically enrolled in our Excellent Beginnings Program. Designed to reward you for staying on track in your first 15 weeks of business, this simple plan celebrates your success with the opportunity to earn hundreds of dollars in additional jewelry certificates!
You can earn over $600 in jewelry premiums in your firs 15 weeks!
JOIN MY TEAM! I am offering a FULL REBATE on your starter kit!! When you join my team and complete your Excellent Beginnings program, I will reimburse you for your entire starter kit.
In addition to that I will also give you an additional $100 jewelry premium to add to your certificates already earned so you can add more beautiful selections to your jewelry display!
WHY NOT TRY IT OUT!! Give it 6 weeks and if you don't like it you can walk away without any strings attached! You keep your jewelry and money earned !
What do you have to loose??? NOTHING!
For more information on this wonderful opportunity to start your own business, contact me today!
***NEW FALL/WINTER CATALOG BEGINS AUGUST 1st!*** No better time to join!!
Talk to you soon!
Sandra Bersamin Unit Manager - lia sophia 708-612-2564
**Dreams can come true with lia sophia!**
Sandra Bersamin
Unit Manager
lia sophia